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Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Abraham Maslow
Hierarchy of Needs
I decided to write on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory because it speaks of the different fundamental levels of needs,describing the stages of growth in humans need to be fulfilled in order to have a happy well being.
Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology,proposed in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation”.Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of human's innate curiosity. He studied exemplary people like Albert Einstein. Maslow’s theory was fully expressed in his 1954 book “Motivation and Personality”.
Often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid,with the largest and most fundamental levels at the bottom. The basic four layers of the pyramid contain what Maslow called “deficiency needs”:esteem,friendship and love,security,and physical needs. With the exception of physiological needs,if these are not met,the body gives no physical indication but the individual feels anxious and tense. Maslow's theory suggest that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire the higher level needs.
Physiological Needs:
  • are those required to sustain life
  • literal requirements for human survival
If these requirements are not met,the human body simply cannot function. Higher needs are nit felt until one has met the basic needs e.g. Air,water,shelter,sex,etc.
Once their physical needs are relatively satisfied,the individual safety needs take precedence and dominate behavior .One's attention turn to safety and security in order to be free from threat.Such needs may be fulfilled by:
  • living in a safe area
  • medical insurance
  • job security
  • financial security
  • personal security
Social Needs:
Once a person has met the lower levels,higher level needs become important. Are those related to interaction with other people and may include :
  • family
  • intimacy
  • friendship
  • to give and receive love
  • belonging
Once a person feels a sense of “belonging”,the need to feel important arises. May be classified as:
  1. Internal esteem needs
    those related to self-esteem such as self-respect and achievement
  2. External esteem needs
    are those such as social status and recognition
  • attention
  • reputation
Self Actualization:
Summit of Maslow's hierarchy of needs,the quest one's reaching one's full potential. Desire to become more and more what one is. Self -actualized people tend to have needs such as:
  • truth
  • justice
  • wisdom
  • meaning
Self-actualized persons are energized with profound moments of happiness and harmony. A small percentage reach this level.
As I analyzed the hierarchy of needs theory I saw what Maslow was trying to bring across through his theory. His theory can be applied to one's self as we can visualize in what level we are.
For example:
I categorized myself as being in the social needs layer where I feel a need for friends,family and love. But I was only able to do this by mastering the lower levels first. Till I felt I had met the bottom levels then I felt comfortable moving upwards. I conclude that as one get close to the very top it becomes more difficult.